Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Education Reformers...

The highlighter has learned that a new slate is running for Proviso School Board District 209, the "Education Reformers." This slate consist of Ralph Harris of Bellwood, Theresa Kelly of Maywood, and Kevin McDermott of Westchester. The highlighter is receiving a large number of emails favoring the "Education Reformers." Proviso schools are in desperate need of reform.

What do you know about the Education Reformers?


Anonymous said...

The correct title is "Education Reformers" District 209 Board of Education Candidates - Theresa Kelly, Ralph Harris and Kevin McDermott. Their platform is to:


A. Working with the superintendent and stakeholders to imporve academic performance.
B. Demanding curriculum that challenges al children to reach their academic potential
C. Increasing parental involvement
D. Professionalizing staff and reducing teacher turnover
E. Increasing after-school enrichment activities
F. Articulating and strategic planning with feeder schools.

A. Changing school board leadership.
B. Prohibiting "pay to play" contracts and consultants
C. Eliminating the system of political rewards and intimidation, political hiring, pormoting and firing.


A. Demanding open, publicly-accountable financial management
B. Budgeting for educational, not political needs
C. Supporting plans and programs that are affordable and in the best interests of our children
D. Procuring goods and services in a cost-effective manner.
E. Stoppping bac-door referendums and questionable floating of bonds.

The Education Reformers are joined by District 88 "Families First" candidates - John Wicks, Antoinette Doris, and Dorothy Smith.
In addition, District 89 "Advocates for Children" candidates - Leonor Sanchez, Duane Black, Regina Rivers, Donna Miller, and Della Patterson

Together these three groups represent "Citizens For Better Schools"

Vote Tuesday, April 17, 2007 to elect these candidates to return our schools and communities back to promise!!
You may vote early beginning, March 21, 2007.

Carl Nyberg said...

I've known Kevin McDermott for a number of years. He's an energetic and thorough organizer.

Proviso Highlighter said...

Are the Education Reformers, Families First, and Advocates for Children having any upcoming fundraisers? Do they have a website?

Anonymous said...

Is this platform printed up somewhere with the hilarious spelling errors?

What a great example of our leadership.

The correct title should be "Education (?) Reformers"

Maybe this is a joke...

Anonymous said...

Outlines have Roman numerals...I, II, III, etc. You have a number 1 and nothing for Roman numeral III...

Maybe Isis should be your PR person.

Anonymous said...

Damn Steve you really got beef with Kelly. What did she do to you?

Your overused "high academia" vocabulary sounds like BS. What platform would you recommend the candidates use during the election? Do you think any of the points raised are valid? What specific damage has Kelly caused?

I have followed some of your post and it seems like you are one of those well to do Negroes that look down on others. Are you one of Dubois' elites. I know many people that are in positions of power that cannot speak as eloquent as you would prefer: Richard Daley, George Bush, and Tavis Smiley. Mrs. Kelly may not have the brains of a rocket scientist, but her compassion for the students of District 209 is far greater than most of the current board members. Kelly was smart enough to distance herself from Welch and figure out that he was a crook.

My grand father came from Georgia and could not read or write but he was smart enough to send 5 children to college and help send his grandchildren to any university of their choice. I don't think Kelly has ever proclaimed to be a GENIUS, but she sure works hard and asks the questions others won't ask. So, I will vote for her before I vote for Welch with a law degree and before I vote for a Madlock with a degree. If you analyze the candidates that Welch is supporting, all six of them, how many of those candidates have graduate or post graduate degrees?
Two of them are baby mommas to his brother or Gene Moore's son. Jnaice Johnson has the brain power of BUBBA GUMP. Robin Foremen is running to protect her neice. Boyd only wants to come in the district and rape the district blind like Welch has done. Cox is just in for the ride.

I could go on and on, but people like Steven really simply make me sick. I hope that was simple and plain enough for you Steven. I only have a college education from a state school.

Anonymous said...

Names can be deceiving...

Anybody can form an identity.

Anyone can steal an identity.

With any name...even a name that's been used before.

Yes, even a name as common as Steven.

Anonymous said...


Steven what makes you such a great writer? It seems that the only difference between you and other writers on this blog is that you type your statement out in Word before cutting and pasting it. This is a blog, meaning informal. Why do you take the writings from this blog so serious? Do you get pleasure from insulting people and their families. The genetic deficiency insult was ignorant and a low blow.

I have canceled you out as being Trottie or McDaniels (Proviso PR) because you can put a sentence together.
Steven based on your arrogance and consistent need to belittle others your comments will continue to be ignored.

In an early post on the Probe, you stated that you attend 209 board meetings. What will you wear at the next one?

I would not give Little Stan or anyone from Welch's camp this much credit, which only amount to little of nothing. Your

Anonymous said...

Steven is so smart and every one else is so dumb. Steven writes so well and every one else writes really really bad. Steven sucks ASS!

Anonymous said...

Don't get it twisted.

This "Steven" is not a great writer by no stretch of the imagination. His comments include big words, but they also contain numerous grammatical errors.

Big words mean nothing if they are used in the wrong context. The numerous flaws in his sentence structure says it all.

Steven's comments are meant to provoke anger and belittle all of those who believe he has something of value to contribute. His comments are speculative and laughable at best. Do not let his hateful remarks get to you. He's hoping to embarrass you so that you will not dispute his comments. This is the lil man Stan and Chrissy philosophy, so you know it won't work.

And still...Theresa Kelly gets my vote!

The only people who hate Theresa Kelly to this extent is lil man Stan and Chrissy. And I must say...anyone...I mean damn near anyone who Chrissy and Lil man Stan hate...I have to love. Lil man Stan and Chrissy will sacrifice their own momma's just to get rid of Theresa Kelly. As a witness to a murder once said, "they're after me because I know where the bodies are buried". The same rule can apply here.

Chrissy and Lil man Stan want to silence Theresa Kelly because she can supply the ARDC, the attorney general as well as the ISBE and the IASB with evidence to get Chrissy disbarred and lil man Stan fired and tainted for the rest of his, soon to be short, educational career.

We are all very aware of the deceitful actions of lil man Stan and Bitchy Chrissy. We all know that Chrissy does not want to lose his District 209 personal piggy bank. Currently, we have the worst scores ever in District 209 history...and we have Bitchy Chrissy Welch to thank.

So, the next time you see Lil man Stan and Bitchy Chrissy...call them by their names and thank them for making us the laughing stock of the state educational system.

Now...how's that for a ringing endorsement!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Pop Chrissy for stating what I have wanted to say. This Steven guy is a ignorant.

Anonymous said...

forgot to type ASS

Anonymous said...

I don't always agree with Steven, but some of the ignorant postings here that I've read about him are really laughable.

If you're going to attack Steven, why don't you try doing so with some semblance of intelligence and finesse?

Your ignorant and childish postings about him (or her) only tend to make his point about the level of some of Kelly's supporters.

Anonymous said...

Steven PLEASE! After reading some of your previous posts on other blogs it is obvious you are a hypocrite. I did my research on you! I wish you would just shoot yourself in the ASS!

Anonymous said...


Your posting lacks quality and substance. It's obvious.

Seems that you are a legend in your own mind.

How's that working for you?

And for the record:

I'm voting for Theresa Kelly!


Anonymous said...

Why don't we refocus from Steven to the Educational Reformers. It's clear that Steven is playing with some of these posters like their puppetts on a string.